Chair Force Engineer

Friday, December 28, 2007

Resolutions 2008

One of my more provocative postings from 2007 was my New Years' Resolutions. As 2007 draws to a close, it's time I take stock of what I've accomplished this year and set some new goals for the shiny new one.

2007's Running Tally
1) Tolerate my mother better


2) Eat healthier
Accomplished to a degree. I still eat at restaurants way too often, especially when I'm traveling on business. I still need to get rid of my gut, although my weight is still on the high side within the healthy range.

3) Drink less
I think I've kept my beer-drinking ways in moderation, although near the end of the year I had some instances of feeling sick to my stomach after taking 3-4 beers during the course of a Bears game. I will have to lay off for a while during 2008.

4) Run more, and complete a marathon
Accomplished. I began marathon training in July and finished the race in October. My time was under 4:30, and it's about where I expected to be (based off my times in training.) Having accomplished the marathon, I'm going to take up biking instead.

5) Tolerate my job better
Not accomplished. I probably griped just as much during 2007 as I did in 2006. I hit rock-bottom after somebody commented about it during Wingman Day, and it started to affect me. While Tom Hanks said that "griping only goes up" in Saving Private Ryan, the truth is that I'm the lowest man on the totem pole in my organization.

6) Find out what makes me tick and what makes me happy
Not accomplished. But I think that if I ignore my professional development for a while and try to repair by broken Spiritual and Social development, I think the professional happiness will fall into place.

7) Above all, live for The Lord
It took me a while to get this one down, too. There was another lieutenant I used to work with, and I always thought that he was very preachy and judgmental. But the more I think about what he said, the more I realize the wisdom in what he said. Over the last month, I've tried to make a better effort at respecting people and trying to be a better Christian. One can only tell if I can have the moral fiber to keep that up in 2008.

Goals for 2008
1) Develop my musical abilities
I already want to be a karaoke legend, and I've made some progress. But now I want to pick up guitar, and learn how to play that as well. I think the ability to play will make me a better singer, and the ability to sing will make me a better guitarist.

2) Ride a bicycle to work as often as possible.

Let's face it: gas is expensive, and I'm a cheapskate. I don't live too far away from my office, so the idea makes perfect sense. It's also a great way of staying in shape now that I've quit running (to preserve my joints.)

3) Avoid putting people down, and avoid repeating the negative comments I pick up in the office.

Schadenfreude over other people's setbacks will not fix my own failings. One of the things I've noticed about my organization has been a disturbing tendency by some people to talk smack about their co-workers based on professional disagreements. Unfortunately, I've been part of the problem by amplifying the trash-talk when I should be filtering it.

4) Be brave and confident in everything I set my mind to.

I've always been a bit nervous and introverted. It'd finally time that I checked out all that life has to offer. I've never been skiing before, for crying out loud. This year I need to try new things, meet new people, and be certain of my abilities in anything I try.

5) Spend my free time surrounded with people who share my interests and will work to build me up, instead of tearing me down.

I have to face the fact that the people I've thought of as friends really aren't interested in the things I want to do. That doesn't mean I think any less of them; it just means that they're on a different page from me. I need to find people on the same page. Building camaraderie with the people I work with would be a good start.

6) Work for the Lord

While the entire "living for the Lord" resolution from last year didn't work out so well, I did get a shot in the arm from an old family friend who explained to me that when we go out into the world and perform our jobs, we represent Our Maker. My shoddy and unmotivated work is not a credit to the Lord who gave me a good brain to begin with. I need to fix that for 2008. Regardless of my feelings towards my organization, my job, the Air Force, and Big Government, I have to do the best with what I have been given for as long as my commitment lasts.
